Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 1 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 1
Genres: Adventure , Post Apocalypse , Comedy , Fantasy , Friendship , Vampire , Anthropomorphism , Anime Influenced
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Top 5 Anime Like Adventure Time Season 1 [2025 List]
5. Adventure Time Season 4
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 4 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 4
4. Adventure Time Season 8
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 8 has finished airing and it has 27 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 8
3. Adventure Time Season 3
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 3 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 3
2. Adventure Time Season 2
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 2 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 2
1. Adventure Time Season 1
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. It follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change shape and size at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline the Vampire Queen, BMO, and others.
Adventure Time Season 1 has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: Adventure Time 1