Akiba-chan focuses on the daily life of Akiba-chan and four fellow TV and game fans in the Maison de Akiba apartments. Buildup Entertainment (Gundam: Mission To The Rise, Macross Plus) produced the computer animation with director Junya Kabe (Specter, D) and character designer Poyoyon Rock (Nurse Witch Komugi, Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko).
Akiba-chan has finished airing and it has 10 Episodes. It is also Known as: アキバちゃん, Akiba-chan
Genres: Slice of Life , Comedy , Present , Kids
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Top Anime Like Akiba-chan [2025 List]
- 1. MILPOM★
The story takes place in a certain ordinary town where it is natural for everyone to wear an animal costume head. It depicts the everyday life of the main character MILPOM and her friends who live there, filled with the essence of Kawaii and a little bit cynical girls.
MILPOM★ has finished airing and it has 6 Episodes. It is also Known as: MILPOM★