Taking place 700 years after the Dunbine TV Series, "The Tale of Neo Byston Well" revolves around Shion Zaba, the reincarnation of series protagonist Sho Zama. Together with Silkie Mau, Reml Jilfried (the reincarnation of Remile Luft), and the Aura Battler Silbine, Shion must stop a twisted Shot Weapon from launching a custom-made nuclear ICBM missile that's poised to wipe out the realm.
"The Tale of Neo Byston Well" gained praise not only for its upgraded animation but also for using B-CLUB Magazine's popular AURA FANTASM series as the basis for the new Aura Battler designs.
Seisenshi Dunbine OVA has finished airing and it has 3 Episodes. It is also Known as: 聖戦士ダンバイン, New Story of AURA BATTLER Dunbine, Seisenshi Dunbine OVA, Aura Battler Dunbine OVA
Genres: Mecha , Fantasy , Fantasy World , Action , Piloted Robot , Plot Continuity , Science Fiction , Adventure , Isekai
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Top Anime Like Seisenshi Dunbine OVA [2025 List]
1. Shounen Kenya
It is the year 1941. 11-year-old Murakami Wataru lives with his family, Japanese textile traders operating in British Kenya, when war breaks out between Japan and the Allies. Fleeing into the bush, young Wataru falls headlong into a series of fantastic adventures.
Kenya Boy has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 少年ケニヤ, Shounen Keniya, Jungle Boy