The first episode served as the opening animation for 1984's SciFi convention named Uru Matsuri III (ウル祭Ⅲ) and it follows the style of the Daicon openings. The video consists of two primary fixations of the Japanese otaku culture in the 80s - scifi and lolis. The 2nd episode is only known to have been released in 1987.
Awake has finished airing and it has 2 Episodes. It is also Known as: AWAKE, Awake
Genres: Loli , Science Fiction , Mecha , Earth , Japan , Action , Parody , Asia , Comedy , Future
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Top Anime Like Awake [2025 List]
1. Daicon Opening Animations
A girl is visited by two men from a space ship. They give her water she needs to water her Daicon (radish). On her journey to deliver the water, this girl has to fight demons and giant robots.
Daicon Opening Animations has finished airing and it has 2 Episodes. It is also Known as: DAICONオープニングアニメ, Daicon, Daikon, Daicon films, Daicon III, Daicon IV