The story of the anime is set in the year Mobile Century 8013. It has been over seven millennia since humanity was wiped out on Earth, but the surviving military robots continue to wage war with no end in sight. The war has embroiled the Rebellion Federation that controls Europe and the Principality of Shin centered in Asia. Three young robots stand up to put an end to this futile war.
Straight Title Robot Anime has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: 直球表題 ロボットアニメ-STRAIGHT TITLE-, Chokkyuu Hyoudai Robot Anime: Straight Title
Genres: Earth , Action , Mecha , Post Apocalypse , Piloted Robot , Science Fiction , Super Deformed , Future , Comedy
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Top Anime Like Straight Title Robot Anime (Chokkyuu Hyoudai Robot Anime: Straight Title) [2025 List]
- 3. gdgd Fairies
- 2. gdgd Fairies 2
- 1. Fireball Charming
3. gdgd Fairies
gdgd Fairies is a short animation about a trio of fairies who live in the Forest of Fairies, and whatever trivial and queer subjects they decide to ramble about.
gdgd Fairies has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: gdgd妖精s(ぐだぐだふぇありーず), Gudaguda Fairies, Rambling Fairies
2. gdgd Fairies 2
Direct continuation of the previous season. Full CG series about a 3 fairies who ramble over about random subjects in 3 locations.
gdgd Fairies 2 has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: gdgd妖精s 2期, Gudaguda Fairies 2, Rambling Fairies 2
1. Fireball Charming
A 3D computer animation about a female robot duchess named Drossel von Flügel and her guardian servant robot Gedächtnis.
Fireball Charming has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: ファイアボール チャーミング, Fireball Charming