Studio Ghibli animated Choujuu-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki, the famous Japanese "Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Choujuu Giga" for short, for a Marubeni Power commercial. The "Encounter" commercial promotes Plan G, a new electric power option that Marubeni Power is offering to homes as Japan deregulates its power industry. The plan derives its name from both "Ghibli" and "green." It promises to support the national trust for "Totoro's Forest," provide power for the Ghibli Museum, and promote conservation in general.
Choju Jinbutsu Giga has finished airing and it has 3 Episodes. It is also Known as: 鳥獣戯画, Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People, Choujuu-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki, Scrolls of Frolicking Animals and Humans
Genres: Romance
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Top 7 Anime Like Choju Jinbutsu Giga (Choujuu Giga) [2025 List]
7. Arashi no Yoru ni
A story about a goat and a wolf who become friends on a stormy night, and how they overcome differences and hardships.
Arashi no Yoru ni has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: あらしのよるに, In the Night of the Storm, On A Stormy Night, Stormy Night
6. Cross Road
High school students Miho and Shouta are preparing for college entrance examinations. Miho comes from an island without even one cram school, while Shouta lives in Tokyo and works a part-time job. Both are striving to pass exams so they can enter college. The pair enroll in Z-Kai's correspondence education courses, and their lives cross before they realize it.
Cross Road has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: クロスロード, Crossroad
5. Sora Iro no Tane
A short TV advertisement based on a children's book about a fox who gives a boy a seed which grows into a giant house.
The Sky-Colored Seed has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: そらいろのたね, Sorairo no Tane
4. Shinano Mainichi Shinbun
A 15-second animated commercial for The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun newspaper in Nagano.
Shinano Mainichi Shinbun has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 信濃毎日新聞, Shinano Mainichi Shimbun
3. Honobono Log
Based on an illustration book by Naka Fukamachi. The anime offers heartwarming peeks at the lives of close couples and families.
Honobono Log has finished airing and it has 10 Episodes. It is also Known as: ほのぼのログ, Honobono Log
2. Yumemi no E
The painter Kuwagata Keisai lived over 200 years ago. He created 'Ways to Sketch', a series of picture books illustrating humans and animals, all richly expressed. One day he was sketching out a carp, just at that moment he slept and he became a carp in dream. A carp was enjoy to swimming, but a fisherman caught that carp...
Dreams into Drawing has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: ゆめみのえ, Yume Minoe
1. Kyoto Animation Koushiki Twitter: Itsumo Arigatou
A short animation created to celebrate Kyoto Animation reaching 50,000 Twitter followers.
Kyoto Animation Koushiki Twitter: Itsumo Arigatou has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 京都アニメーション公式Twitter いつも ありがとう, Kyoto Animation Koushiki Twitter: Itsumo Arigatou