After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believed to be in league with the war-profiteering terrorist organisation, Black Ghost. Meanwhile, a bigger threat emerges when Dr. Adams, a Black Ghost scientist unleashes his new line of high teen Cyborg models against 009 and his friends.
Cyborg 009 VS Devilman has finished airing and it has 3 Episodes. It is also Known as: サイボーグ009VSデビルマン, Cyborg 009 VS Devilman
Genres: Cyborg , Horror , Contemporary Fantasy , Earth , Science Fiction , Asia , Japan , Violence , Action , Fantasy , Demon , Super Power
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Top Anime Like Cyborg 009 VS Devilman [2025 List]
4. Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier
Skull, the evil leader of the terrorist organization known as Black Ghost, has nine powerful cyborgs under his control. But Dr. Isaac Gilmore, the Black Ghosts cybernetics scientist, decides to go rogue, helping the cyborgs turn against Skull and his evil organization.
Black Ghost wishes to start the next major world war by flooding the market with weapons of mass destruction. It seems the nine brave cyborgs have their work cut out for them, as Black Ghost is determined to bring those nine cyborgs down.
Cyborg 009 has finished airing and it has 50 Episodes. It is also Known as: サイボーグ009 THE CYBORG SOLDIER, Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier
3. Shuumatsu no Walküre
7 million years of human civilization is coming to an end…
Every thousand years, all the gods of the world gather in heaven to attend the Conference of Mankind Survival. The gods agree to end to mankind due to their foolish acts, but before the final verdict is made, Brunhild, the eldest of the 13 valkyrie sisters, makes an objection.
“To spice things up, why don’t you test the humans?”
She proposes that the all-powerful gods face off in one-on-one battles against the strongest champions from human history — during a final struggle known as “Ragnarok.” The first team to win 7 out of 13 battles will be declared the winner, but it seems almost impossible for humans to win against the gods.
Although the gods sneer at her declaration, Brunhild provokes them further:
“Are you chickening out?”
Her words hit the gods’ nerves, and, enraged, they accept her proposal. Now, Brunhild and her sisters must choose humanity’s 13 champions in a desperate battle for survival. Will humans surpass gods and prevent humanity’s ultimate end? The eschatological battles between heaven and earth finally begins!
Record of Ragnarok has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: 終末のワルキューレ, Valkyrie of the End, Shuumatsu no Valkyrie
2. Devilman: Crybaby
Akira Fudo is informed by his best friend Ryou Asuka that the demons will revive and reclaim the world from the humans. As the humans do not stand a chance against the supernatural power of the demons, Ryou suggests fusing with a demon. Akira becomes Devilman, with the power of a demon and the heart of a human.
Devilman: Crybaby has finished airing and it has 10 Episodes. It is also Known as: DEVILMAN crybaby, Devilman: Crybaby
1. Chainsaw Man
Denji is a teenage boy living with a Chainsaw Devil named Pochita. Due to the debt his father left behind, he has been living a rock-bottom life while repaying his debt by harvesting devil corpses with Pochita.
One day, Denji is betrayed and killed. As his consciousness fades, he makes a contract with Pochita and gets revived as "Chainsaw Man" — a man with a devil's heart.
Chainsaw Man has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: チェンソーマン, Chainsawman