Assorted commercials for the Fate/Grand Order mobile RPG. These short animations are aired on TV and posted to Type-Moon's official YouTube channel, and advertise the game itself or promote a new in-game event. The animation is unique to these commercials and is not present in the game nor in the Fate/Grand Order series.
The list of the commercials is as follows (note that CMs without animation are not present and, for the ones with long and short versions, the longer version is taken into consideration)
1) Fate/Grand Order TV-CM 第1弾 (27 Dec 2014)
2) Fate/Grand Order TV-CM 第2弾 (27 June 2015)
3) Fate/Grand Order TV-CM 第3弾 (6 Nov 2015)
4) Fate/Grand Order TV-CM 第4弾 (30 Dec 2015)
5)『Fate/Grand Order』×『空の境界』コラボCM (19 Feb 2016)
6) Fate/Grand Order TV-CM 第5弾 (25 Mar 2016)
7) 「Fate/Accel Zero Order」告知CM (20 Apr 2016)
8) Fate/Grand Order TV-CM 第6弾 (6 July 2016)
9) 夏だ! 海だ! FGO 2016 Summer TVCM (8 Aug 2016)
10) 『魔法少女紀行 ~プリズマ・コーズ~』告知CM
11) TVCM 第7弾 (6 Dec 2016)
12) TVCM 第8弾 (22 Feb 2017)
13) Fate/EXTRA CCC×Fate/Grand Order GW・EXスペシャルイベント「BBちゃんの逆襲/電子の海で会いましょう!」告知CM (26 Apr 2017)
14) TVCM 第9弾 (28 June 2017)
15) デッドヒート・サマーレース!TVCM (5 Aug 2017)
16) 「Fate Grand Order」TVCM 第10弾 (16 Oct 2017)
17) 亜種特異点Ⅳ 禁忌降臨庭園 セイレム TVCM (28 Nov 2017)
18) Fate/Grand Order -Cosmos in the Lostbelt-」永久凍土帝国 アナスタシア 30秒CM (3 Apr 2018)
19) Fate/Apocrypha × Fate/Grand Order スペシャルイベント「Apocrypha/Inheritance of Glory」告知CM (18 May 2018)
20) ぐだぐだ帝都聖杯奇譚 告知CM (6 June 2018)
21) Lostbelt No.2 無間氷焔世紀 ゲッテルデメルング 消えぬ炎の快男児 30秒TVCM (18 July 2018)
22) サーヴァント・サマー・フェスティバル! 告知CM (7 Aug 2018)
23) Fate/Grand Order TVCM (5 Sept 2018)
24) Lostbelt No.3 人智統合真国 シン 30秒CM (30 Nov 2018)
25) 期間限定イベント 徳川廻天迷宮 大奥 TVCM (27 Mar 2019)
26) Fate/Grand Order TVCM (17 Apr 2019)
27) Lostbelt No.4 創世滅亡輪廻 ユガ・クシェートラ 30秒CM (15 June 2019)
28) オール信長総進撃 ぐだぐだファイナル本能寺2019 30秒告知CM (3 July 2019)
29) 「Fate/Grand Order」配信4周年記念映像 (4 Aug 2019)
30) 見参!ラスベガス御前試合 水着剣豪七色勝負!告知CM (14 Aug 2019)
31) Fate/Grand Order TVCM (21 Sept 2019)
32) セイバーウォーズ2 ~始まりの宇宙へ~ TVCM (26 Oct 2019)
33) クリスマス2019 ナイチンゲールのクリスマス・キャロル TVCM (4 Dec 2019)
34) Lostbelt No.5 神代巨神海洋 アトランティス 30秒CM (18 Dec 2019)
35) Fate/Grand Order TVCM (13 Feb 2020)
36) Lostbelt No.5 星間都市山脈 オリュンポス 30秒CM (9 Apr 2020)
37) Fate/Requiem×Fate/Grand Orderコラボレーションイベント「『Fate/Requiem』盤上遊戯黙示録」TVCM (25 May 2020)
38)「Fate/Grand Order」配信5周年記念アニメーションPV (9 Aug 2020)
39)「サーヴァント・サマーキャンプ! ~カルデア・スリラーナイト~」告知CM (14 Aug 2020)
40)「超古代新選組列伝 ぐだぐだ邪馬台国 2020」告知CM フルver. (9 Oct 2020)
41)「虚数大海戦イマジナリ・スクランブル ~ノーチラス浮上せよ~」告知CM 30秒ver. (9 Nov 2020)
42) 第2部 第5.5章「地獄界曼荼羅 平安京 轟雷一閃」 30秒CM (2 Dec 2020)
43) 期間限定イベント「栄光のサンタクロース・ロード ~封じられたクリスマスプレゼント~」 TVCM (15 Dec 2020)
44) Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM×FGOコラボレーションイベント「輝け! グレイルライブ!! ~鶴のアイドル恩返し~」告知TVCM (26 Apr 2021)
45) Lostbelt No.6 妖精円卓領域 アヴァロン・ル・フェ TVCM (11 June 2021)
46) Lostbelt No.6 妖精円卓領域 アヴァロン・ル・フェ(後編) TVCM (14 July 2021)
47)「Fate/Grand Order」配信6周年記念アニメーションPV (1 Aug 2021)
48)「カルデア・サマーアドベンチャー! ~夢追う少年と夢見る少女~」告知TVCM (8 Sept 2021)
49) ハロウィン・ライジング! ~砂塵の女王と暗黒の使徒~ (20 Oct 2021)
50) 昭和キ神計画 ぐだぐだ龍馬危機一髪! 消えたノッブヘッドの謎 (17 Nov 2021)
51) 期間限定イベント「非霊長生存圏 ツングースカ・サンクチュアリ」(18 Dec 2021)
52) マンガで分かる!Fate/Grand Order×Fate/Grand Orderコラボレーションイベント「連続活劇神話 ミシシッピ・ミササイザーズ」TVCM (27 Apr 2022)
53)「アークティック・サマーワールド! ~カルデア真夏の魔園観光~」告知TVCM (10 Aug 2022)
54) Fate/Grand Order「ぶっちぎり茶の湯バトル ぐだぐだ新邪馬台国 地獄から帰ってきた男」告知TVCM (14 Sep 2022)
55) Lostbelt No.7 黄金樹海紀行 ナウイ・ミクトラン 15秒TVCM (24 Dec 2022)
Fate/Grand Order CMs is currently airing and will have Episodes. It is also Known as: Fate/Grand Order
Genres: Fantasy , Action , Swordplay , Assassin , Virtual Reality , Pirate , Dragon , Samurai , Idol
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Top 5 Anime Like Fate/Grand Order CMs [2025 List]
5. MONSTERS: Ippaku Sanjou Hiryuu Jigoku
MONSTERS: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation by Eiichiro Oda tells the tale of Ryuuma, the legendary swordsman that hails from the Land of Wano in One Piece.
MONSTERS: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: MONSTERS 一百三情飛龍侍極, MONSTERS: Ippaku Sanjou Hiryuu Jigoku
4. Dragon Age: Blood Mage no Seisen
In a time of darkness and barbarism, the Chantry has arisen - a religious order seeking to bring stability to a world corrupted by sinister magic. Led by the Divine, the Chantry's Templar warriors ruthlessly restrain the Mages and their magical cabals. But when the Templars fail, the most elite order of the Chantry takes charge - the Seekers!
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: ドラゴンエイジ -ブラッドメイジの聖戦-, Dragon Age: Blood Mage no Seisen
3. Ishura
In a world where the Demon King has died, a host of demigods capable of felling him have inherited the world: a master fencer who can figure out how to take out their opponent with a single glance; a lancer so swift they can break the sound barrier; a wyvern rogue who fights with three legendary weapons at once; an all-powerful wizard who can speak thoughts into being; and an angelic assassin who deals instant death. Eager to attain the title of “One True Hero,” these champions each pursue challenges against formidable foes and spark conflicts themselves. The battle to determine the mightiest of the mighty begins.
Ishura has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: 異修羅, Ishura
2. Lodoss-tou Senki: Eiyuu Kishi Den
Five years after the death of the Emperor of Marmo in the War of Heroes, Parn is now the Free Knight of Lodoss, he and his old allies now famous through the land. However, the Emperor's right-hand man, Ashram, seeks the scepter of domination to re-unify Lodoss under his former leader's banner. Meanwhile, beyond his attempts at conquest lies a more sinister force beginning to set the stage for the resurrection of the goddess of death and destruction...
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight has finished airing and it has 27 Episodes. It is also Known as: ロードス島戦記 英雄騎士伝, Record of Lodoss War TV
1. Slayers Try
Several months have passed (after the end of Slayers Next). The barrier put in place by the mazoku sublords has been broken, and as a result, Lina Inverse and her friends are allowed access to the outside world. There they become wrapped up in a prophecy stating that a dark lord from another dimension, Dark Star Dugradigdo, will enter their world and spread chaos.
Slayers Try has finished airing and it has 26 Episodes. It is also Known as: スレイヤーズ TRY, Slayers Try