Futarigurashi follows an aspiring erotic mangaka named Kenji Aoyama. In order to pay rent his friend's younger brother, Hikari Satou, offers to become his roommate. However it turns out that "he" in almost every way is a girl! The series revolves around Kenji and Hikari getting involved with various women.
Futarigurashi has finished airing and it has 36 Episodes. It is also Known as: ふたり暮らし, Futari Kurashi, Futari Gurashi
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Top Anime Like Futarigurashi [2025 List]
1. Stop!! Hibari-kun!
A teenage boy has now moved in the home of his mother's friend, because she had died a while back. It just so happens that the Yakuza family has four beautiful daughters, but one daughter, Hibari, who is more beautiful then the rest of the daughters, is actually a boy. Hibari just can't keep his hands off our hero and so their crazy yet happy lives go on.
Stop!! Hibari-kun! has finished airing and it has 35 Episodes. It is also Known as: ストップ!!ひばりくん!, Stop!! Hibari-kun!