The 61-minute long movie follows the life of 18-year-old Yi-gyeong (Yoon Ah-Young), a quiet, ordinary student who meets Suyi (Song Harim), an athletic girl who stirs up new romantic feelings in her, causing her to realize her identity. Over the next two years, their relationship helps both women grow, but ironically, because of this development, Yi-gyeong realizes her thoughts about Suyi have begun to change.
The Summer has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: That Summer, Geu Yeoreum Movie
Genres: Drama
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Top Anime Like The Summer (Geu Yeoreum) [2024 List]
1. Asagao to Kase-san.
While tending to her campus’ morning glories, shy, reserved Yui Yamada has a chance encounter with the vivacious, sporty Tomoka Kase, star of the girl’s track team. Yamada and Kase could not be more different, but soon after meeting, they begin to date! But dating isn’t as easy as it looks, and the pair must weather the storms that all couples eventually face. Will their relationship continue to bloom as college entrance exams threaten to keep them apart?
Kase-san and Morning Glories has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: あさがおと加瀬さん。, Morning Glory and Kase-san