The new anime's slapstick gag comedy story is set 50 years after the 1969 anime, with Kan-chan's grandchild Kantarou Yodayama meeting Akubi as she goes on a journey to prepare to be queen. In the human world, Kantarou and Akubi go on various adventures, getting jobs, and learn the importance of having dreams.
Hakushon Daimaou 2020 has finished airing and it has 20 Episodes. It is also Known as: ハクション大魔王 2020, Hakushon Daimaou 2020
Genres: Kids , Comedy , Fantasy , Supernatural , Magic
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Top 5 Anime Like Hakushon Daimaou 2020 [2024 List]
5. The Owl House
Luz is a self-assured teenage human girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to another world instead of going to Reality Check Camp. When on the Boiling Isles which is made from the remains of a dead Titan, she befriends the rebellious witch Eda the Owl Lady and an adorably tiny warrior named King. Despite not having magical abilities and having to pose as a witch due to the prejudice towards humans, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda’s apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting.
The Owl House has finished airing and it has 19 Episodes. It is also Known as: The Owl House
4. Star vs. The Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni
The TV movie follows Star as she returns to her home dimension of Mewni where she discovers that magic is disappearing throughout the kingdom. Star must dig deep and challenge archnemesis Ludo in an effort to save her family and kingdom.
Star vs. The Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: Star vs. The Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni
3. Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 3
Season 3 of Star vs the Forces of Evil.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 3 has finished airing and it has 17 Episodes. It is also Known as: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 3
2. Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 2
Season 2 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 2 has finished airing and it has 22 Episodes. It is also Known as: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 2
1. Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Princess Star Butterfly is sent into the planet Earth after she skirmished evil monsters at her home in another dimension called Mewni. She arrives in the town of Echo Creek to live with the Diaz family. Rather than living a normal life, Star (along with Marco Diaz) continues to battle villains throughout the universe and in their high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand (an object that she has still yet to master) from falling into the hands of Ludo.
Note: The eighth episode is 20 minutes long, thirteenth is 22 minutes long, and the rest of the episodes are 11 minutes long.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: Star vs. the Forces of Evil