This is the anime adaptation of Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki (Insufficient Direction), the first essay manga by the "queen of the manga world," Moyoco Anno. The comedic and heartwarming autobiographical story follows her everyday married "otaku lifestyle" with Hideaki Anno, "the founder of the otaku cult."
Insufficient Direction has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: 監督不行届, Kantoku Fuyukitodoki
Genres: Present , Earth , Japan , Asia , Comedy , Slice of Life
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Top 6 Anime Like Insufficient Direction (Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki) [2025 List]
6. Honobono Log
Based on an illustration book by Naka Fukamachi. The anime offers heartwarming peeks at the lives of close couples and families.
Honobono Log has finished airing and it has 10 Episodes. It is also Known as: ほのぼのログ, Honobono Log
5. Lucky☆Star
Lucky☆Star follows the daily lives of four cute high school girls—Konata Izumi, the lazy otaku; the Hiiragi twins, Tsukasa and Kagami (sugar and spice, respectively); and the smart and well-mannered Miyuki Takara.
As they go about their lives at school and beyond, they develop their eccentric and lively friendship and making humorous observations about the world around them. Be it Japanese tradition, the intricacies of otaku culture, academics, or the correct way of preparing and eating various foods—no subject is safe from their musings.
Lucky☆Star has finished airing and it has 24 Episodes. It is also Known as: らき☆すた, Lucky Star
4. Gudetama
Gudetama, an egg that is dead to the world and completely lacks motivation. No matter what cooking method you use, Gudetama remains unmoved.
Gudetama is currently airing and will have Episodes. It is also Known as: ぐでたま, Gudetama
3. Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara
Chisato Mizusawa is a reserved but excellent and pretty assistant manager in her company. She has a secret that only her husband Sora knows, which is that she likes drinking alcohol, and she can become very cute when she is drunk! Even tonight, she gets relaxed (with the phrase "Shifuku~") and drunk with the cocktail Sora makes♥. It's a "Yoidere (Drunken Dere)" cocktail comedy of Japan's closest husband and wife.
Love is Like a Cocktail has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: お酒は夫婦になってから, Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara
2. Sore ga Seiyuu!
Dreaming of becoming a top-tier professional in the fast-paced, competitive world of voice acting, rookie Futaba Ichinose frantically scurries around, searching for auditions and performance sessions. Rubbing elbows with some of the biggest names in the industry, she tries to find her own unique voice and style.
Along the way, she befriends two important allies: Ichigo Moesaki, an aspiring idol who claims to be a princess from another planet, and Rin Kohana, a cheerful child actress who tries her best to balance her career and school at the same time. Together, the girls brave the ups and downs of the entertainment industry—but as for Futaba, whose performance assessment at her agency is just around the corner, her career might be over sooner than expected! Sore ga Seiyuu! is a humorous and sincere celebration of the industry that gives anime its voice.
Seiyu's Life! has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: それが声優!, That is a Voice Actor!
1. Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken
Though they couldn't be any more different, love has managed to blossom between Hajime Tsunashi, a hardcore otaku who shuts himself in at home while making a living off his blog, and his wife Kaoru—a hard-working office lady who, in contrast, is fairly ordinary, albeit somewhat of a crazy drunk. As this unlikely couple discovers, love is much more than just a first kiss or a wedding; the years that come afterward in the journey of marriage brings with it many joys as well as challenges.
Whether due to their quirky personalities or the peculiar people surrounding them, Hajime and Kaoru find themselves caught up in a variety of baffling and ridiculous antics. But despite the struggles they face, the love that ties them together spurs them to move forward and strive to become better people in order to bring their partner happiness.
I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: 旦那が何を言っているかわからない件, Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken