Animated video for Horishita Sayuri's Kaze no Toori Michi produced for NHK's Minna no Uta. Direction and animation by Mochizuki Tomomi, Kondou Katsuya and Tanaka Naoya from Ghibli.
The Path of Wind has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: カゼノトオリミチ, Minna no Uta: Kaze no Toori Michi
Genres: Romance , Japan , Slice of Life , Present , Music
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Top Anime Like The Path of Wind (Kaze no Toori Michi) [2025 List]
- 4. Piece
- 3. Space Station No.9
- 2. Egao
- 1. On Your Mark
4. Piece
A music video to the song Piece by singer Aragaki Yui.
Piece has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: ピース, Piece
3. Space Station No.9
Second animated music video for music by capsule based around their NEXUS-2060 concept - a space station resort in the year 2060.
Space Station No.9 has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: space station No.9, Space Station No.9
2. Egao
A young woman brought a hamster back to her apartment. While watching the cuteness of the hamster was enjoyable, she suddenly recalled her boyfriend she used to have....
Egao has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 笑顔, Smile, Minna no Uta: Egao, Minna no Uta
1. On Your Mark
In the future, mankind can no longer live on the ground due to intense radiation, both from the sun and from an abandoned nuclear plant. One day, a group of special police raided a religious cult compound, and after a fierce firefight two policemen found a winged mutant girl, with chains on her arms, barely alive. However, government scientists dressed in hazardous material suits immediately intervened and brought her back to a research facility. Realizing they were merely transferring her from one prison to another, those two policemen formulated a daring plan to set her free once and for all.
Note: This is a music video created by Hayao Miyazaki for the pop music duo Chage & Aska (after whom the two police officers are modeled).
On Your Mark has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: On Your Mark CHAGE & ASKA, On Your Mark