A gag, flash animation comedy that centers around a purported college student named Haruo "Cat" Kyattsuyama who only went to his school, the low-tier Kunekune College, once. One day, he sees a cute Russian Blue cat named Kan-u abandoned in a cardboard box on the roadside somewhere in Japan. Kyattsuyama pretends not to see the cat, and continues to do so for an entire year. Surprisingly, no one has shown up to try to save the cat, so Kyattsuyama finally decides to pick the cat up — however, by then, there are now three Russian Blue cats instead of just one. Kyattsuyama asked the cats for their names, and they all said "Kan-u."
The anime shorts are inspired by Kaoru Curry-zawa's "Kremlin" cat gag comedy manga.
Kremlin has finished airing and it has 5 Episodes. It is also Known as: クレムリン, Kremlin
Genres: Slice of Life , Comedy
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Top Anime Like Kremlin [2025 List]
4. Masuda Kousuke Gekijou Gag Manga Biyori
Gyagu Manga Biyori is an anime that is about absolutely nothing. It is comprised of 12 short stories (5 minutes long each) that only build up a small amount of plot for each story. The anime feeds off the stupidest things, but is quite humorous.
Masuda Kousuke Gekijou Gag Manga Biyori has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: 増田こうすけ劇場 ギャグマンガ日和, Gyagu Manga Biyori, Masuda Kousuke's Theater: A Perfect Day for Gag-Manga
3. Neko Pitcher
A story about Cat pitcher Mi-Tarou's actions. It is a 23-koma that serialized in Yomiuri Shimbun Sunday.
Neko Pitcher has finished airing and it has 51 Episodes. It is also Known as: 猫ピッチャー, Neko Pitcher
2. Mitchiri Neko March
A music video created for the MitchiriNeko character and brand. The video features cat characters playing in a marching band.
Mitchiri Neko March has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: Micchiri Neko March, みっちりねこマーチ, Micchirineko Maachi, MitchiriNeko March
1. Neko nanka Yondemo Konai.
The series focuses on a professional boxer who chooses to become a manga artist after sustaining an injury. The man takes in two cats: Kuro, who is very timid, and her younger sister Chin.
Neko nanka Yondemo Konai. has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: 猫なんかよんでもこない。, NekoYon, Neko Nanka Yonde mo Konai