The story is set in Nagasaki prefecture in Minami Shimabara city, the fabled origin of the Shimabara Rebellion that sent shockwaves through all of Japan in the early Edo period. It is also where a third-year junior high school student named Shirou spends his days with his school friends.One summer day, Shirou's older childhood friend Akane returns to Minami Shimabara from Tokyo. Shirou and Akane take a stroll around Minami Shimabara with another longtime friend, Tokiya. While these friends are dealing with nostalgia and more complex feelings, a mysterious creature named Goron suddenly appears before them. This encounter with a mere little creature causes great events to unfold once more in this city...
Shiro, the Giant, and the Castle of Ice has finished airing and it has 4 Episodes. It is also Known as: 巨神と氷華の城, The Giant Gods and the Ice Flower Castle
Genres: Fantasy , Contemporary Fantasy , Action , Friendship
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Top Anime Like Shiro, the Giant, and the Castle of Ice (Kyoshin to Hyouka no Shiro) [2025 List]
1. Condom Battler Gorou
The show follows Gorou, a 24-year-old man who dreams of becoming the greatest Condom Battler. His go-to weapon is a 0.01 mm condom which he loads into an arm dispenser, and it opens to reveal a red rubbery armor that Gorou wears in battle. It also gives the hero the ability to summon sperm and created an attack out of the sticky substance.
There are other characters in the anime like Miku and Hayato who duel using their own condoms. The anime is filled with absurd dialogue and fights, but these heroes always make sure to teach a sex education lesson along the way.
Condom Battler Gorou has finished airing and it has 4 Episodes. It is also Known as: コンドームバトラー ゴロー, Condom Battler Gorou