Music video for the song Mad Hatter by DUSTCELL.
Mad Hatter has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: Mad Hatter
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Top 5 Anime Like Mad Hatter [2025 List]
5. Genius Party

An anthology produced by Studio 4°C.
1: Genius Party (Atsuko Fukushima)
2: Shanghai Dragon (Shoji Kawamori)
3: Deathtic 4 (Shinji Kimura)
4: Doorbell (Yuji Fukuyama)
5: Limit Cycle (Hideki Futamura)
6: Happy Machine (Masaaki Yuasa)
7: Baby Blue (Shinichiro Watanabe)
Genius Party has finished airing and it has 7 Episodes. It is also Known as: ジーニアスパーティー, Shanghai Dragon, Deathtic 4, Doorbell, Limit Cycle, Happy Machine, Baby Blue
4. Nihon Animator Mihonichi

The short film series "Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition" presented by Studio Khara and Dwango. Original projects, spin-off projects, promotional films, Music PV, and VJ Films, etc... Various omnibus animations produced with love and energy, regardless of any genres. The digital distribution anime series bring opportunities for project development, R&D, human resources development, and free production under limited period and budget, to explore the possibilities of future film production.
Japan Animator Expo has finished airing and it has 35 Episodes. It is also Known as: 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市, Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition, The Dragon Dentist, Ryuu no Haisha, 龍の歯医者, HILL CLIMB GIRL, ME!ME!ME!, Carnage, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko & Ichiro Itano: Collection of Key Animation Films from Mobile Suit Gundam, Yasuhiko Yoshikazu Itano Ichirou Gensatsu-shuu, 安彦良和・板野一郎原撮集, 20min Walk From Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2mos Deposit, No Pets Allowed., Nishi-Ogikubo-eki Toho 20-bu, 2 LDK, Shikirei 2 Kagetsu, Petto-fuka, 西荻窪駅徒歩20分2LDK敷礼2ヶ月ペット不可, until You come to me., Tomorrow From There., Sokokara no Ashita., そこからの明日。, Electronic Superhuman Gridman: boys invent great hero, Denkou Choujin Guriddoman boys invent great hero, 電光超人グリッドマン boys invent great hero, Yamadeloid, Yamaderoido, ヤマデロイド, POWER PLANT No.33, Evangelion:Another Impact, Kanón, Sex&VIOLENCE with MACHSPEED, Obake-chan, おばけちゃん, Tokio of the Moon's Shadow, Tsukikage no Tokio, 月影のトキオ, Three Fallen Witnesses, Sanbon no Shougensha, 三本の証言者, The Diary of Ochibi, Ochibi-san, オチビサン, I can Friday by day!, ME!ME!ME! CHRONIC feat.daoko/Teddyloid, {"(Making of)evangelion"=>"Another Impact"}, Iconic Field, Guuzou Sen'iki, 偶像戦域, On a Gloomy Night, Ibuseki Yoruni, イブセキヨルニ, Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen, Bikachou Shinshi Kaikoroku, 鼻下長紳士回顧録, Rapid Rouge, Shinsoku no Rouge, 神速のRouge, Hammerhead, Hanmaheddo, ハンマーヘッド, "COMEDY SKIT 1989" Conte (Hitman) 1989, Konto (Koroshiya) 1989, コント(ころしや)1989, Bubu & Bubulina, Bubu to Buburiina, ブブとブブリーナ, ENDLESS NIGHT, BUREAU OF PROTO SOCIETY, Hisutorii Kikan, ヒストリー機関, The Ultraman, Za Urutoraman, ザ・ウルトラマン, GIRL, Neon Genesis IMPACTS, Shin Seiki Inpakutsu, 新世紀いんぱくつ。, "Ragnarok" Hello from the Countries of the World, Sekai no Kuni kara Konnichi wa, 世界の国からこんにちは, Robot on the Road, Kabi no Robo kara, 旅のロボから, Cassette Girl, Kasetto Garu, カセットガール, Mobile Police Patlabor Reboot, Kidou Keisatsu Patoreiba REBOOT, 機動警察パトレイバーREBOOT
3. Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta

Kai, a young middle schooler, lives in Hinashi Town, a lonely fishing village, with his father and his grandfather, a sun-umbrella maker. He used to live in Tokyo, but after his parents divorced he moved back to his parent's home town. Kai has trouble telling his parents the complicated feelings he has for them, and he's lonely and pessimistic about his school life. One of his joys is uploading songs he writes to the internet.
One day, his classmates Kunio and Yuho invite him to join their band, "SEIRÈN". As he reluctantly follows them to Merfolk Island, their practice spot, they meet Lu, the mermaid girl. Lu sings merrily and dances innocently. As Kai begins to spend time with her, he starts to be able to say what it is that he's really thinking.
But since ancient times, the people of Hinashi Town have thought that mermaids brought disaster. Something happens that puts a huge rift between Lu and the townspeople. And then, the town is in danger. Will Kai's cry for the heart be able to save the town?
Lu Over the Wall has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 夜明け告げるルーのうた, Lu over the wall, Song of Lu who Informs the Dawn
2. Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch

As the mermaid princess of the North Pacific (one of the seven mermaid kingdoms), Lucia entrusts a magical pearl to a boy who falls overboard a ship one night. Lucia must travel to the human world to reclaim her pearl and protect the mermaid kingdoms. Using the power of music Lucia is able to protect herself and the mermaid kingdoms from a growing evil force.
Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch has finished airing and it has 52 Episodes. It is also Known as: マーメイドメロディー ぴちぴちピッチ, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
1. Princess Tutu

In a fairy tale come to life, the clumsy, sweet, and gentle Ahiru (Japanese for "duck") seems like an unlikely protagonist. In reality, Ahiru is just as magical as the talking cats and crocodiles that inhabit her town—for Ahiru really is a duck! Transformed by the mysterious Drosselmeyer into a human girl, Ahiru soon learns the reason for her existence. Using her magical egg-shaped pendant, Ahiru can transform into Princess Tutu—a beautiful and talented ballet dancer whose dances relieve people of the turmoil in their hearts. With her newfound ability, Ahiru accepts the challenge of collecting the lost shards of her prince's heart, for long ago he had shattered it in order to seal an evil raven away for all eternity.
Princess Tutu is a tale of heroes and their struggle against fate. Their beliefs, their feelings, and ultimately their actions will determine whether this fairy tale can reach its "happily ever after."
Note: Princess Tutu aired in two parts. The first part included 13 25-minute episodes, while the second part consisted of 24 12-minute episodes with a 25-minute final episode.
Princess Tutu has finished airing and it has 38 Episodes. It is also Known as: プリンセスチュチュ, Princess Tutu