The series follows Aki Light, an advanced robot who looks like and lives the routine of a human schoolboy. He was built by scientist Dr. Light as his son and lives with his biologically human sister Suna Light. They live in Silicon City, a town co-inhabited by robots and humans rather peacefully, though is currently seeing new attacks from rogue robots.
Mega Man: Fully Charged has finished airing and it has 52 Episodes. It is also Known as: Mega Man: Fully Charged
Genres: Robot , Anime Influenced , Action , Mecha , Science Fiction , Kids
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Top 5 Anime Like Mega Man: Fully Charged [2024 List]
5. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
The Super Robot Monkey Team is set in Shuggazoom, a city that takes up a good portion of its planet, also named Shuggazoom. The rest of the planet is called "The Zone of Wasted Years."
The main character is a boy named Chiro. When he was exploring the outskirts of the city, he stumbles upon a giant abandoned robot. Once inside, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he pulls on an old, untouched switch, thus awakening the five robotic monkeys that form the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce. In the process, Chiro also fused himself with the Power Primate, allowing him to transform into the brave fighter and bold leader of the team.
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! has finished airing and it has 52 Episodes. It is also Known as: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
4. Go! Go! Atom
The eco-systems of planet Earth are endangered. Lucky for us, a super-powered robot boy is flying to rescue! astro in on a mission to help anyone anywhere in the world with a problem involving natural phenomena. Go little Astro Boy! GO!
Go Astro Boy Go! has finished airing and it has 52 Episodes. It is also Known as: GO!GO!アトム, Go! Go! Atom
3. Dennou Boukenki Webdiver
Set in the year 2100 where the world is tied together by a computer network. The children of the world become Web Divers, adapting their consciousnesses into data, and love to play together in the cyber park called Magical Gate. However, a mysterious computer virus appears beginning to destroy Magical Gate from the inside out. In cyberspace, programs called Web Knights have been created to protect the children. But, the computer virus has turned all the Web Knights against the children. The only Web Knight to escape the "brainwashing" is Gladion. Gladion seeks the help of Kaito Yuki, a Web Diver who is in the fourth grade.
Brain Adventure Record Webdiver has finished airing and it has 52 Episodes. It is also Known as: 電脳冒険記ウェブダイバー, Webdiver
2. Doraemon Movie 33: Nobita no Himitsu Dougu Museum
On a normal afternoon, Doraemon's bell was stolen by Kaito Deluxe, a thief from the 22nd Century. Determined to get it back, Nobita and co. decides to pursue him and take back the bell that is hidden inside the 22nd Century's Secret Gadget Museum.
Doraemon Movie 33: Nobita no Himitsu Dougu Museum has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 映画 ドラえもん のび太のひみつ道具博物館[ミュージアム], Doraemon: Nobita no Himitsu Dougu Hakubutsukan
1. Doraemon (2005)
Doraemon (2005) is the most recent anime series based on Fujiko Fujio's manga of the same name.
It is the 2005 version of 1979 series, with certain changes in the animation and other things.
Doraemon is a cat-like robot who appears in the present to steer Nobita/Noby, who is a dumb, naive and clumsy boy on the right path in order to secure his future. Nobita's love interest is Shizuka Minamoto/Sue, his frenemies are Takeshi Goda/Big G and Suneo/Sneech.
Doraemon (2005) is currently airing and will have Episodes. It is also Known as: ドラえもん (2005), Doraemon (2005)