The story begins in the future when Earth itself is no longer inhabitable by living creatures. Humans began their interstellar migration with space colonies. Vince and Hana work as researchers in the Cambrian Project. Together with the creature Pikaia, they seek the Lost Code, the key to restoring Earth, and aim to return to Cambrian-era Earth.
Pikaia! has finished airing and it has 13 Episodes. It is also Known as: ピカイア!, Pikaia!
Genres: Future , Kids , Science Fiction , Virtual Reality , Earth
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Top Anime Like Pikaia! [2025 List]
1. Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi
Time Travel Shoujo is based on a 1983 book titled Jishaku to Denki no Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari by Japanese educator Kiyonobu Itakura. It is part of the Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari Zenshuu series which describes the story of various scientific discoveries and inventions throughout history. The 1983 book focuses on discoveries related to magnetism and electricity.
Time Travel Girl has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: タイムトラベル少女~マリ・ワカと8人の科学者たち~, MariWaka