A 3 minutes long animated film produced by Studio Kajino, a small studio related to Studio Ghibli, was shown in a double feature prior to the Cutie Honey Live-Action movie. Supervision was done by Yoshiyuki Momose, director of the Ghiblies.
To be released 16th November 2004 on the "Ghibli ga Ippai Special Short Short" DVD, together with other Ghibli-Shorts like Sorairo no Tane, On Your Mark, Space Station No.9, Nandaro and Various Commercials.
Portable Airport has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: ポータブル空港, Portable Kuukou
Genres: Science Fiction , Music
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Top Anime Like Portable Airport (Portable Kuukou) [2025 List]
2. Soratobu Toshi Keikaku
Third animated music video for music by capsule based around their NEXUS-2060 concept—a space station resort in the year 2060. Produced by Ghibli offshoot Studio Kajino, with MOMOSE Yoshiyuki (百瀬ヨシユキ) directing. The song was released on September 7, 2005 as Side A of a single titled Aeropolis, and the animation was first shown on September 10, 2005 as a double bill with the live-action Touch movie.
Project: City Flying in the Sky has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 空飛ぶ都市計画, Soratobu Toshi Keikaku
1. Space Station No.9
Second animated music video for music by capsule based around their NEXUS-2060 concept - a space station resort in the year 2060.
Space Station No.9 has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: space station No.9, Space Station No.9