The story of the special revolves around the Sanada brothers in their youth. Nobuyuki and Yukimura swear to each other to protect the influential Sanada clan. However, thinking of how to best continue the Sanada clan, Yukimura makes a decision, and meets with Mitsunari Ishida and Naoe Kanetsugu at the location he arrived at. On the other hand, his elder brother Nobuyuki must worry about the selfish demands made by the Tokugawa clan.
Samurai Warriors: Legend of the Sanada has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 戦国無双SP 真田の章, Sengoku Musou Special: Sanada's Chapter, Samurai Warriors Special: Sanada's Chapter
Genres: Samurai , Swordplay , Past , Earth , Historical , Japan , Sengoku Period , Asia , Action
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Top Anime Like Samurai Warriors: Legend of the Sanada (Sengoku Musou SP: Sanada no Shou) [2025 List]
1. Sengoku Basara
During Japan's Sengoku period, several powerful warlords fought in politics and in arms with hopes of unifying the country under a central government. Nobunaga Oda had asserted himself as being the most powerful of these rulers by possessing the strength and military resource necessary to conquer all of Japan.
Shingen Takeda and his trusted warrior Yukimura Sanada led one of the main clans standing in Nobunaga’s way. One night, Sanada had been ordered to lead a sneak attack against General Kenshin Uesugi, which was then thwarted by Masamune Date and his army. Sanada and Date fought to a draw, which forged a heated rivalry out of their newfound admiration for one another.
Nobunaga continues to exert his forces in Sengoku Basara by doubling down on his influence across the country. Sanada and Date find themselves having to put their differences aside in order to quell the rise of Nobunaga and save feudal Japan from his tyrannical reign. Magical, militant, and political powers fly forth as these warriors and leaders clash amongst themselves and the armies of Nobunaga.
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: 戦国BASARA, Sengoku Basara