Based on the Adachi manga of the same name. The story revolves around a romantic triangle formed by the girl Minatsu Nakazato, a young student and softball player; Shu Akiba, a schoolmate; and Naoto Kadomatsu, an up-and-coming boxer. In reality the three-way relationship is more like three-and-a-half, considering that Naoto is in love with Maria... actually Minatsu herself, who'd once disguised herself to escape some evildoers.
Slow Step has finished airing and it has 5 Episodes. It is also Known as: スローステップ, Slow Step
Genres: Romance , Boxing , Japan , Asia , Earth , Combat , Sports , Comedy , Love Polygon , High School , Baseball , School Life , Slice of Life
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Top Anime Like Slow Step [2025 List]
- 2. "Eiji"
- 1. Kodomo no Omocha (TV)
2. "Eiji"
Legendary boxer Keijiro Akagi's second son, Eiji, is a high school dropout and the world's worst rock guitarist. Though his father and elder brother are both boxers, he hates the sport but suddenly takes an interest in it when he meets the local champion's little sister.
"Eiji" has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 「エイジ」, "Eiji"
1. Kodomo no Omocha (TV)
Sixth grader Sana Kurata has a perfect life. Her mother is a (fairly) successful author, she has a young man employed to keep her happy and safe, and best of all, she is the star of the children's television show Kodomo no Omocha. There's just one thing bothering her, and that's Akito Hayama.
Akito is a classmate of Sana's, and ever since he's started acting out in class, the rest of the boys have followed his example. Every day, the girls and the teacher wage a battle to keep the class under control and to get some actual learning done. That rotten Akito… Sana won't stand for this!
The hyperactive Sana decides to dig deeper and find out what makes Akito tick, so class can go back to normal and the teacher can stop spending every day crying instead of teaching. But the more she learns about him, the more she realizes that there might be more to Akito than meets the eye.
Kodocha has finished airing and it has 102 Episodes. It is also Known as: こどものおもちゃ, Child's Toy