The story surrounds a boy and a cow who have always lived their lives together. One winter, a famine strikes their village. The villagers resolve to the cow, but the boy secretly helped the cow escape. A few years ago, the boy (now grown-up) and the cow meet again...
Sougen no Ko Tenguri has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: 草原の子テングリ, Tenguri, Boy of the Plains
Genres: Earth , Asia , Coming Of Age , Past , Historical , Adventure , Kids
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Top Anime Like Sougen no Ko Tenguri [2025 List]
1. Tibet Inu Monogatari
After the death of his mother, Tenzin decided to leave town to live with his father in the Tibetan grasslands. Life is tough at first, until one day the young man witnesses a fight between Tibetan guard dogs and a dog with golden hairs outside the pack.
The Tibetan Dog has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: チベット犬物語, Tibetan Dog Story