The story of the manga centers on four classmates who just entered the same junior high school together. On the first day of school, a boy named Hikaru Suzuki sees a talented girl named Sayaka performing lines from a drama on the school's rooftop, and he cannot take his eyes off her. Even as Hikaru becomes interested in Sayaka, his longtime friend Chihiro secretly pines for him. On top of that, a boy named Shinobu Suzuki — no relation to Hikaru — is falling for Chihiro.
Suki Desu Suzuki-kun!! has finished airing and it has 2 Episodes. It is also Known as: 好きです鈴木くん!!, I Love You, Suzuki-kun!!, I Like You
Genres: Earth , Japan , Asia , Comedy , Middle School , Super Deformed , School Life , Present , Romance
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Top Anime Like Suki Desu Suzuki-kun!! [2025 List]
2. Handsome Girl
Hagiwara Mio is a 14-year-old TV actress who has gotten popular. One day on a set, she meets Kumagai Ichiya, who tells her that her acting "stinks". Mio is hurt by his comments, but she finds that she can't get Ichiya out of her mind. It turns out that Ichiya is a promising director, who directed a music video for Mio's friend Sawaki Aya, an idol singer. After the success of this music video, Ichiya is asked to direct a movie, and he wants Mio to be the heroine, because he feels that she is a "handsome" girl like the actresses of old. How will Mio cope with her feelings toward Ichiya?
Handsome Girl has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: ハンサムな彼女, Handsome na Kanojo
1. Mitsu x Mitsu Drops
Students at the Houjou academy are perfectly normal—except for those who take the Kuge course. This special course is reserved only for elite and rich students and their "honeys." Hagino Yuzuru enrolls in the course through Kai Renge, and she quickly regrets it.
To become a honey, a student must get someone already in the Kuge course to sponsor her. Kai becomes Hagino's sponsor, getting her into the course and paying the price to cover it. But in return, Hagino must submit to him as her master, catering to his every whim.
Hagino may have gotten herself into something she can't handle. But if she pulls out now, she gets expelled from the school. Can she make things work with Kai, or will she call it quits before he does something she'll regret?
Honey x Honey Drops has finished airing and it has 2 Episodes. It is also Known as: 蜜×蜜ドロップス, Honey & Honey Drops