The story centers around Chizuru, who moved from Yamaguchi to Tokyo, and cannot keep up with the pace of her studies. Losing sight of her dream because of discouraging marks in practice exams, she talks to her former classmate Shōta, and slowly begins changing the way she studies.
Turnover has finished airing and it has 1 Episodes. It is also Known as: ターンオーバー, Turnover
Genres: School Life , Slice of Life
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Top Anime Like Turnover [2025 List]
1. Cheating Craft
In a world where education is everything, if you manage to pass exams with your academic ability, you will start a successful life. However, those who fail the exams will start a cruel life. The world is capable of only developing the gifted from a young age as measured by exams – but there are some people who cannot accept the destiny they face if they are unable to pass the exam, and would do anything to pass it. This includes cheating and interfering with the exam. Thus, the examination hall has become a battlefield.
L (learning) type and C (Cheating) type students prevent each other from interfering with the exam, so that they can aim for high scores. In order to prevent the L-types from getting the high scores, C-type students battle against them. This battle also involves the examiners who do not allow cheating, making the examination hall even more chaotic!
The heated battle between Mumei, a C-type student, and Koui, an L-type, begins! Can Koui outsmart Mumei and her tricks?
Cheating Craft has finished airing and it has 12 Episodes. It is also Known as: チーティングクラフト, Zuobi Yishu