The story revolves around a boy named Sataki Tadashi, a normal high school student with a weird profession: he's a con-artist. Although Sataki hates being a criminal, he must continue to do so in order to keep himself alive, because of a curse he got from a magical creature named Mijuna.
It is also Known as: アナノムジナ, Ana no Mujina
Genres: School Life , Fantasy , Action
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Top Manga Like (Ana no Mujina) [2025 List]
1. Itsuwaribito◆Utsuho◆
Can a liar lead a life of good?
Utsuho’s truthfulness as a child resulted in an enormous catastrophe, and he decided to lie from that day forward. Raised in a village of orphans by a monk, Utsuho is an unrepentant troublemaker. The monk eventually inspires him to help people, but there’s no way Utsuho’s going to lead an honest life! Instead, he’s going to use his talents for mischief and deception for good!
Itsuwaribito◆Utsuho◆ has finished publishing and it has 224 Chapters. It is also Known as: いつわりびと◆空◆, Itsuwaribito Sora