In this world, men live on islands floating in the clouds. But the heavens are also the domain of "dragon fish," gigantic monsters hostile to humans and their ships...
Yuu is one of the guards responsible for protecting citizens from fish attacks. In the company of Asebi, an android, he decides to go on an adventure. His goal? Discover the ancient island of Brant, capital of the legendary archipelago of Waldecia, which holds many vestiges of human civilization at the time of its heyday!
Asebi and Adventurers of SKY WORLD has finished publishing and it has 59 Chapters. It is also Known as: あせびと空世界の冒険者, Asebi to Sora Sekai no Boukensha
Genres: Fantasy , Adventure , Drama , Seinen , Floating Island , Science Fiction
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Top Manga Like Asebi and Adventurers of SKY WORLD (Asebi to Sora Sekai no Boukensha) [2025 List]
2. Made in Abyss
The enormous cave system, known as the Abyss, is the only unexplored place in the world. Nobody knows how deep down goes this titanic pit, inhabited by strange and wondrous creatures and full of mysterious ancient relics which purpose in unknown to modern man. Generations of bold adventurers have been drawn by the cryptic depths of the Abyss. In course of time those bold enough to explore the dangerous pit came to be known as "Cave Raiders."
In Oosu, the town at the edge of the Abyss, there lives a little orphan named Rico, who dreams of becoming as great a cave raider as her mother was and solving the great mystery of the pit. One day exploring the murky depths she stumbles upon a little boy, who turns out to be a robot...
Made in Abyss is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: メイドインアビス, Made in Abyss
1. Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?
Five hundred years have passed since humanity went extinct at the hands of the fearsome "Beasts." Even up in the sky, where the surviving races dwell on floating islands, these monstrosities constantly threaten to bring death and destruction. Only a small group of young girls, the Leprechauns, can wield the ancient weapons needed to defeat these creatures. Into the girls' unstable and fleeting lives, where a call to certain death could come at any moment, enters an unlikely character: a young man who lost everything five hundred years ago, the last living human awakened from a long, icy slumber.
WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us? has finished publishing and it has 25 Chapters. It is also Known as: 終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか?, SukaSuka, Do you have what THE END? Are you busy? Shall you save xxx?, What are you doing at the end? Are you busy? Can you save me?