The story follows Sagami Gouro, 24, who starts working in Industria Shounan Gum SA, where he meets the researcher Musubu-san, a girl who works in the medical assistance development laboratory called "home", their first meeting it will not be exactly what was expected.
Musubu, the girl working there It is also Known as: あそこではたらくムスブさん, The Musubu who works there, Здесь работает Мусубу-сан, 그곳에서 일하는 무스부 씨, 在那里工作的结小姐
Genres: Comedy , Shounen , Ecchi , Romance , Slice of Life
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Top Manga Like Musubu, the girl working there (Asoko de Hataraku Musubu-san) [2025 List]
1. Ase to Sekken
Asako’s living her dream, working at the toiletry maker Lilia Drop. Little do her coworkers know, the reason she loves the company so much is that she’s ashamed of her body odor, and their soap is the only thing that does the trick. So when the company’s lead product developer, a perfuming genius, approaches her in the lobby and wonders what “that smell” is, she’s terrified … but could it be … that he likes it? And, even more surprising to Yae … does she like him?
Sweat and Soap has finished publishing and it has 98 Chapters. It is also Known as: あせとせっけん, Ase to Sekken