The story revolves around the lives of two rough-and-tumble high school friends Kato Hiroshi and Nakama Toru, who seemed to make a habit of getting into trouble and starting up fights. In keeping with the spirit of the manga, Toru and Hiroshi sport slicked back 50's style perms and adopted exaggerated swaggers that made them comical and yet also oddly cool. The drama also features an assortment of outlandish characters who sport even weirder fashions and hairdos. To describe the action in this drama, think Fight Club meets The Breakfast Club.
Be-Bop-Highschool has finished publishing and it has 308 Chapters. It is also Known as: ビー・バップ・ハイスクール, Be-Bop-Highschool
Genres: Comedy , School Life
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Top Manga Like Be-Bop-Highschool [2025 List]
- 2. Rokudenashi Blues
- 1. A-bout!
2. Rokudenashi Blues
Maeda is a new student in the Teiken High School. He stutters when he's nervous and he's rather clumsy. He gets noted immediately because he hits a teacher during the entrance ceremony. Some clubs search to enlist him as they see in him a force they can use to get even with other clubs. But Maeda is a loner and has only one dream: becoming boxing champion. His first objective is to beat the leader of the boxing club. "Rokudenashi" translates as "good for nothing".
Good-For-Nothing Blues has finished publishing and it has 422 Chapters. It is also Known as: ろくでなしBLUES, Rokudenashi Blues
1. A-bout!
Mitsumine High School is known as the school with the most juvenile delinquents in the country. The students are so violent that even the teachers are scared for their lives. Sunahara is the leader of the first years and is the strongest dude of his class. But when the transfer student Asagiri Shinnosuke makes an appearance at the school, he starts taking down names and kicking up dust like a tornado. If the students thought things were violent and unpredictable at Mitsumine, they haven’t seen anything yet since Asagiri is here to become the champion of the school.
A-bout! has finished publishing and it has 165 Chapters. It is also Known as: アバウト, About!