The story is set in 1949 and follows Japanese-American comic book artist Kevin Yamagata as he draws the popular detective series "Billy Bat" for "Marble Comics." When he learns he may have unconsciously copied the character from an image he saw while serving in occupied Japan, he returns to Japan to get permission to use Billy Bat from its original creator. Upon arriving there, however, he becomes embroiled in a web of murder, cover-ups, and prophecy that all leads back to Billy Bat.
It is soon evident, however, that the truth of Billy Bat's nature is far larger than Kevin could ever guess, spanning millennia and across the world.
Billy Bat has finished publishing and it has 165 Chapters. It is also Known as: BILLY BAT, Billy Bat
Genres: Fantasy , Cops , Historical , Drama , Psychological , Mystery
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Top Manga Like Billy Bat [2024 List]
2. Karasuma Kyouko no Jikenbo
After 2050, Tokyo. The sixteen-year-old gifted police detective Kyouko Karasuma works for a special devision in the Asakusa Police Department. Her rather abnormal cases involve: fighting oni, tengu, and other monsters from Asian myths and legends. The modern art by the character designer of Speed Grapher works very well with the action-heavy story line and the overall art improves with each volume.
Karasuma Kyouko no Jikenbo has finished publishing and it has 86 Chapters. It is also Known as: 烏丸響子の事件簿, The Case Reports of Karasuma Kyouko
1. Billy Bat
The story is set in 1949 and follows Japanese-American comic book artist Kevin Yamagata as he draws the popular detective series "Billy Bat" for "Marble Comics." When he learns he may have unconsciously copied the character from an image he saw while serving in occupied Japan, he returns to Japan to get permission to use Billy Bat from its original creator. Upon arriving there, however, he becomes embroiled in a web of murder, cover-ups, and prophecy that all leads back to Billy Bat.
It is soon evident, however, that the truth of Billy Bat's nature is far larger than Kevin could ever guess, spanning millennia and across the world.
Billy Bat has finished publishing and it has 165 Chapters. It is also Known as: BILLY BAT, Billy Bat