A poignant manga, portraying the story of the movie with the same title. The movie tells the story of Taishin Mamiya, a magazine editor who meets and interviews a young model, Noeru Kisaragi, and becomes sinfully attracted to him. Their love, however, is forbidden.
Boys Love is currently publishing and it has 6 Chapters. It is also Known as: ボーイズラブ, Boys Love
Genres: Yaoi
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Top Manga Like Boys Love [2025 List]
1. Heaven's Door
Harumi has been in the hospital practically her whole life. She has a life-threatening disease, and is kept inside at all times. Her life is incredibly mundane until she meets Masato, a new patient. He isn’t the best influence, being a heavy smoker and drinker, but since they’ve both got nothing better to do, they become friends. This humorous oneshot follows their meeting and the night they spend together, talking about what it means to die early.
Heaven's Door has finished publishing and it has 4 Chapters. It is also Known as: ヘブンズ ドア, Heaven's Door