By the same author as the renowned “Corpse Party”, Dolls Fall revolves around the lives of students at Jiaiin girls dormitory, an orphanage for middle school children without families. They are greeted with open arms by the matrons and other students, taught to accept their fellow orphans as sisters and the matrons as their mothers. Jiaiin is a safe haven for students, provided that they follow two simple rules: at night, lock your door and don’t leave the room, and never enter a matron’s room. Break either one of those rules and this series’ likeness to Corpse Party becomes evident.
Dolls Fall has finished publishing and it has 24 Chapters. It is also Known as: DOLLS FALL ドールズ・フォール, Dolls Fall
Genres: School Life , Horror , Mystery , Shounen , Loli , Violence , Psychological , Drama , Supernatural , Magic
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Top 5 Manga Like Dolls Fall [2025 List]
5. Dead Tube
Distributing thrilling videos in secret! A school game that puts life and death on the line!
Dead Tube is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: DEAD Tube ~デッドチューブ~, Dead Tube
4. Ibitsu
A boy went to take his trash out late one night, and found a strange, creepy lolita woman sitting amongst the garbage bags. She asked if he had a little sister, and he answered her, hurrying afterwards back to his apartment. When he looked out the window, she was gone.
Who is the strange woman, and why does she give him such a bad feeling?
Note: Each volume contains a side-story chapter.
Ibitsu has finished publishing and it has 15 Chapters. It is also Known as: イビツ, Ibitsu
3. Yakusoku no Neverland
Emma and her friends have a pretty good life at the orphanage they grew up in. Though the rules may be strict, the caretaker is kind. But why are the children forbidden from ever leaving...?
The Promised Neverland has finished publishing and it has 181 Chapters. It is also Known as: 約束のネバーランド, Yakusoku no Neverland
2. Gakkou Gurashi!
Takeya Yuki is in love with the school. For her, it's a wonderful place, where she enjoys her school activities, especially the activities of her club, the School Life Club. The club has Rii-chan as the president, Kurumi-chan as another member, and the teacher, Megu-nee, always there for them. Yes, she is in love with her school... in her mind. Because, for her, the reality of the school and their club's activities is way too hard to be perceived...
Gakkou Gurashi! has finished publishing and it has 78 Chapters. It is also Known as: がっこうぐらし!, Gakkou Gurashi!
1. Corpse Party: Blood Covered
Corpse Party: Blood Covered is about a group of high school friends in Kisaragi Academy. Kisaragi Academy was built on the grounds of Tenshin Elementary School, which was demolished after a string of disappearances and gruesome murders. After a mysterious earthquake, the students find themselves trapped in an alternate reality Tenshin Elementary School, where the murders of others trapped before them have continued unabated...
Corpse Party: Blood Covered has finished publishing and it has 47 Chapters. It is also Known as: コープスパーティー BloodCovered, Corpse Party: Blood Covered