The manga is set primarily in the Kingdom of Hydeland and revolves around a legendary relic, the titular Dragon's Crown, and the quest to retrieve it. A mysterious coven of magic-users with influence in even the highest levels of government seek the treasure and have used their sorcery to link long-forgotten ruins, dangerous labyrinths, and many other areas together in order to search for it.
Note: includes a bonus epilogue chapter.
has finished publishing and it has 14 Chapters. It is also Known as: ドラゴンズクラウン, Dragon's Crown
Genres: Fantasy , Action , Ecchi , Adventure , Comedy , Drama , Dragon , Elf , Magic , Mermaid , Demon , Vampire , Mystery , Shounen , Fantasy World
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Top Manga Like (Dragon's Crown) [2025 List]
1. Around 30 Quest
The story takes place in an RPG world and focus on women adventurers who are around 30 years old.
Around Thirty Quest is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: アラサークエスト, Arasa Quest, Around Thirty Quest