The story revolves around the protagonist Hirono Hiro, a poor high school boy who draws shoujo manga for his living. One cold Christmas night after meeting a very strange woman in church, his bike gets stolen by another strange girl. He runs after her and finds her collapsed on the street. Her name is Miyamura Miyako and her bag got stolen by a man on a motorbike. Soon after, they start hanging out together, enjoying highschool life and whatnot. Hiro’s life is also strongly dictated by Shindou Kei, his childhood friend.
ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two. has finished publishing and it has 63 Chapters. It is also Known as: ef - a fairy tale of the two., ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two.
Genres: Comedy , School Life , Drama , Romance
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Top 5 Manga Like ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two. [2025 List]
- 5. Seishun Forget!
- 4. Bitter Virgin
- 3. Chikan Otoko
- 2. Nagi no Asu kara
- 1. Isshuukan Friends.
5. Seishun Forget!
"Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was her classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
Seishun Forget! has finished publishing and it has 20 Chapters. It is also Known as: 青春フォーゲット!, Seishun For-get!, Youth Forget!
4. Bitter Virgin
Popular high school student Suwa Daisuke has no interest in dating newcomer Aikawa Hinako, a quiet loner. That's because she recoiled from his flirtatious touch, and he took it as a personal affront. Daisuke informs one of his buddies that he wouldn't date her, not knowing Hinako was listening. Daisuke's attitude changes after he accidentally hears her confession in an abandoned church; she's been sexually abused by her stepfather and has given up a child for adoption. His former annoyance turns to compassion and concern. Hinako is unaware that he knows her terrible secret. Believing him to have no romantic interest, she becomes more relaxed and comfortable in his company. Their relationship faces a lot of obstacles, including jealous classmates.
Bitter Virgin has finished publishing and it has 32 Chapters. It is also Known as: ビターバージン, Bitter Virgin
3. Chikan Otoko
Based off a real story which was posted on 2ch, Molester Man is the story of how Molester Man is mistaken for a stalker by Miss Understanding, and how they overcome their personal challenges while slowly growing closer to each other.
Molester Man has finished publishing and it has 21 Chapters. It is also Known as: 痴漢男, Molester Man
2. Nagi no Asu kara
A story between the Sea and the Earth. Childhood friends Hikari and Manaka, who live in the sea, together with their friends Kaname and Chisaki, are forced to attend school on land after their own school undersea is closed. But due to a special encounter, their lives gain a new twist.
Nagi no Asu kara has finished publishing and it has 36 Chapters. It is also Known as: 凪のあすから, Nagi no Asukara, NagiAsu
1. Isshuukan Friends.
Kaori Fujimiya is always alone because all of her happy memories, including time spent with her friends, disappear every Monday. Deciding that he wants to be friends with her anyway, Yuuki Hase tries to get close to Kaori each week, wishing that she would one day call him "a friend."
One Week Friends has finished publishing and it has 41 Chapters. It is also Known as: 一週間フレンズ。, Isshuukan Friends.