The story takes place in an ordinary Japanese town, Fuyuki City. Hidden from society, there has been a deadly war going on in this town. Seven sorcerers known as "Masters" summon powerful familiars called "Servants," and they all fight each other till the last one. The last one is said to attain the Holy Grail, which will grant them a wish. Only a few know when this War started and what the Holy Grail is, but the war is about to begin again this year.
The main character is Emiya Shirou, who lost his parents in a fire and was adopted by a man who called himself a sorcerer. Admiring his stepfather, he has been training himself to be a sorcerer. However, he had no talent and he could barely use even one type of sorcery. His stepfather has already passed away, and today he's a sorcerer without any skills or knowledge. He is involved in the War of the Holy Grail when he accidentally summons Saber, who is said to be the strongest servant of all...
Heaven's Feel is one of the routes in Fate/stay night. The heroine of this route is Sakura Matou.
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel It is also Known as: Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel], Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel
Genres: Magic , Fantasy , Action , Battle Royale
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Top Manga Like Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel [2025 List]
3. Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!!
Continues right after 2wei ended, where Miyu is captured to another world.
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ ドライ!!, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya drei!
2. Fate/Extra
Waking up in a strange virtual world with no recollection of the past, Hakuno finds himself forced to fight for survival in a war he does not understand for a prize beyond value; the opportunity to have one's wish granted. With only an enigmatic "Servant" by his side, Hakuno Kishinami will have to face both friends and foes in battles to the death in order to not only gain possession of a mysterious object known as the "Holy Grail," but also to find the answer to the most important question of all: "Who am I?"
Fate/Extra has finished publishing and it has 41 Chapters. It is also Known as: Fate/EXTRA, Fate/Extra
1. Fate/strange Fake
The plot centers around a Grail War faultily copied from the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki. After the end of the third Grail War, an organization from the United States that has magi separate from the London-based Mage Association as members took data from Fuyuki's Grail War and planned their own ritual. After seventy years, they used the city Snowfield as the Sacred Land for their own Grail War. They were unable to successfully copy every aspect of the ritual, which lead to it acting only as an imitation that has lost the Saber class and allowed for the summoning of strange Servants due to the definition of a "hero" being blurred.
Fate/strange Fake is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: Fate/strange Fake