Omnibus volume of short manga by Urushibara, Yuki. Includes "She Got Off the Bus At the Peninsula", "Labyrinth Cat" and the previously published omnibus volume "Bio Luminescence" which was created under the pen-name Shima, Soyogo. The latter includes two Mushishi stories set in modern day Japan and with different characters than the long running series.
Filament has finished publishing and it has 18 Chapters. It is also Known as: フィラメント~漆原友紀作品集~, Misaki de Bus wo Orita Hito, She Got Off the Bus At the Peninsula, Labyrinth Cat, Bio Luminescence, Urushibara Yuki Sakuhinshuu
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Top Manga Like Filament [2025 List]
- 1. Undercurrent
1. Undercurrent
The manga begins as Kanae Sekiguchi, proprietor of the Tsuki no Yu bathhouse, struggles to reopen her business after the unexplained disappearance of her husband...
has finished publishing and it has 11 Chapters. It is also Known as: アンダーカレント, Under Current