Cyan is a teenage cat (in cat years!), and when his beloved young master falls ill, the parents abandon Cyan in the basement of a luxurious apartment building. Now Cyan finds himself smack-dab in the middle of the biggest feline territorial battle in Japan.
While waiting for his owner to return and reclaim him, Cyan has to brave the attacks of vampy Siam and the beautiful killer Kline. He also must try to fit in with the group of oddball strays who reside in the basement, a cat gang named the Free Collars!
Free Collars Kingdom has finished publishing and it has 18 Chapters. It is also Known as: フリーカラーズキングダム, Free Collars Kingdom
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Top Manga Like Free Collars Kingdom [2025 List]
1. Gakuen Sousei Nekoten!
Yumi enrolls at Matabi Academy for one reason: you can raise your cat there if you get permission. After the entrance Ceremony a Monster suddenly appears endangering her and her new friend. Given a mysterious power Yumi and her cat Kasuke strive into battle.
Cat Paradise has finished publishing and it has 29 Chapters. It is also Known as: 学園創世猫天!, Gakuen Sousei Nekoten!