Miyano Amata, known as the "Perfect Prince" for his intelligence, looks, and cool personality, is asked to substitute for his sister as an attendant at a doujinshi convention disguised as a loligothic girl. There he meets a girl from his class and they become friends, but he must crossdress in order to be with the girl while learning about the fujoshi fandom.
Fudanshism: Fudanshi Shugi It is also Known as: フダンシズム -腐男子主義-, Fudanshi, Fudan Shizumu, Fudanshizumu
Genres: Romance
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Top 5 Manga Like Fudanshism: Fudanshi Shugi [2025 List]
- 5. Boku x Kano
- 4. Pretty Face
- 3. Nicoichi
- 2. Sasaki to Miyano
- 1. Fujoshi Kanojo.
5. Boku x Kano
Hayashi Shoutaro is an otaku and a student who sucks at studying, the results showing on every test; if that wasn't the worst, he makes promises like the one who scores the lowest has to clean the classroom by themselves. In his classroom there is a girl he likes, Kanda Yayoi, who always scores the top and is popular among boys and girls.
After going home from cleaning the classroom, he's met by his perverted/otaku sister who has him cross-play (cross-dressing cosplay) to go to an anime merchandise display, where he meets Yayoi who is also an otaku and she falls in love with his cosplay-persona...?
Boku x Kano has finished publishing and it has 7 Chapters. It is also Known as: ボク×カノ, Boku x Kano
4. Pretty Face
Due to a terrible bus accident, Randoh (the main character) wakes up one day to discover he has the face of an attractive girl thanks to a rather perverted plastic surgeon. But not just any girl's face--it's the same girl that he has a crush on. To make matters even worse, he runs into the girl and she thinks it's her long-lost twin sister. When Randoh moves in with her (quite willingly) he is torn between helping out this girl by pretending to be her sister, and wanting his old face back.
Pretty Face has finished publishing and it has 53 Chapters. It is also Known as: プリティフェイス, Pretty Face
3. Nicoichi
Makoto Suda has a secret. Trapped in a dual identity, Makoto plays the role of mother to stepson Takashi at home. At work he plays the ordinary salary-man, caught in a two person love triangle with his other self and coworker Natsumi. The story follows Makoto's attempts to balance his life as he waits for the perfect moment to "come out" of his predicament.
Nicoichi has finished publishing and it has 120 Chapters. It is also Known as: ニコイチ, Nico Ichi, Nikoichi
2. Sasaki to Miyano
Due to a fight that broke out on school grounds, Miyano, a fudanshi with a complex about his feminine face, catches the eye of a delinquent upperclassman named Sasaki. To Miyano's surprise, Sasaki shows an interest in Miyano's BL manga, and the two start a friendship.
Sasaki and Miyano is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 佐々木と宮野, Sasaki to Miyano
1. Fujoshi Kanojo.
Mutou Taiga is an average college student who falls in love at first sight with Ameya Yuiko, a senior at his part-time job. He bravely confesses to her and succeeds in starting a relationship. However, Yuiko tells him that she's a "fujoshi." Clueless to what it meant, Taiga assures her that he's okay with that, not knowing what he was getting dragged into.
My Girlfriend's a Geek has finished publishing and it has 21 Chapters. It is also Known as: 腐女子彼女。, My Girlfriend is a Fujoshi, Sepatte Takurou Dai-23-kyuu