A period drama set in 17th century Japan ten years after the Battle of Sekigahara, Gaiakitan tells the tale of of Sanada Yukimura assembling his team of ninja, the "Sanada Ten Braves." The story follows a mysterious and talented ninja, Kirigakure, who is reluctantly drawn into Yukimura's rebellion against the Tokugawa clan.
Gaia Kitan has finished publishing and it has 19 Chapters. It is also Known as: 鎧亜騎譚, Gaia Kitan
Genres: Fantasy , Thriller , Historical , Drama , Ecchi
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Top Manga Like Gaia Kitan [2025 List]
- 1. Brave 10
1. Brave 10
The main protagonist is an Iga ninja named Saizo, who meets an Izumo priestess and protects her on her short journey to Sanada Yukimura. Sanada Yukimura is a powerful warlord in the Sengoku era. Sanada wants to gather 10 warriors, a party unrivaled in skill and power, to set his still secret plan into action...
Brave 10 has finished publishing and it has 47 Chapters. It is also Known as: BRAVE10, Brave 10