The story revolves around 16-year-old Shingo Chiryu, who had been beaten and hospitalized for a month by a morbidly obese girl whose naked confession he had rejected. As a result of the encounter, Shingo has developed a fear of all women, called gynophobia. While Shingo tries to hide his fear, the school nurse notices it and advises him to join the boxing club. However, Shingo soon finds out that all of its members are girls, the club's adviser is the school nurse, and one of the club's members, the (now slim) Haruka Nishiharu, is the very girl who had put him in the hospital.
Girls Saurus has finished publishing and it has 17 Chapters. It is also Known as: ガールズザウルス, Girls Saurus
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Top Manga Like Girls Saurus [2025 List]
2. Ranma ½
In China, there lies a famous training springs, a place where martial artists can hone their skills to great levels. Unfortunately, the springs are also cursed! Teenage martial artist Ranma falls into the "spring of drowned girl" and now changes into a woman every time he's splashed with cold water. That doesn't stop his father from engaging him to Akane, the daughter of an old friend and a tough girl who has better thing to do than worry about boys. But Akane isn't the only girl who has a chance for Ranma's affections -- two other girls have also been betrothed to him. But Ranma has better things to do than worry about his love life -- such as making a plethora of crazy rivals and even more suitors!
has finished publishing and it has 407 Chapters. It is also Known as: らんま½, Ranma ½
1. Minamoto-kun Monogatari
Minamoto-kun has a face pretty enough to make people think he's a girl. Because of his face, he was bullied by the girls in middle school who were jealous of his good looks. He developed a fear of women due to the trauma, and for that reason chose to attend a high school for boys. Just as he enters college and makes a promise to himself to overcome the trauma of his past, his father remarries and asks him to move out of the house. His father arranges for him to live with his aunt (Minamoto-kun's father's younger sister) for the time being. She is an extremely beautiful woman who is also a non-tenured professor at his college. When he arrives at her apartment, she shows him her breasts and tells him that he will be her "guinea pig" in her reverse Hikari Genji project.
Minamoto-kun Monogatari has finished publishing and it has 360 Chapters. It is also Known as: 源君物語, Minamoto's Story, Love Instruction: How to become a seductor