The series follow a young girl named Rakka, a newly arrived haibane (an angelic-looking being), and other characters in the city of Glie (guri), a walled city with one entrance where no one is allowed to leave.
Charcoal Feathers in Old Home It is also Known as: オールドホームの灰羽達, Ailes Grises, Charcoal Feathers in Old Home, Haibane Renmei
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Top Manga Like Charcoal Feathers in Old Home (Old Home no Haibane-tachi) [2025 List]
2. Serial Experiments Lain: The Nightmare of Fabrication
The Nightmare of Fabrication is a beautifully drawn full-color manga from Yoshitoshi Abe. The 18 page short story can be found in the "an omnipresence in wired 'lain'" artbook.
It's a bonus story which apparently isn't related with either the anime nor the PS game. It shows characters who were included in the PS game but not in the TV series (like the psychiatrist), but also determinant characters from the anime who didn't appear in the video game (like Deus).
Serial Experiments Lain: The Nightmare of Fabrication has finished publishing and it has 1 Chapters. It is also Known as: serial experiments lain the nightmare of fabrication, Serial Experiments Lain: The Nightmare of Fabrication
1. Suiiki
In the midst of a blazing hot summer beset by water shortages, middle-school girl Chinami faints from heat exhaustion. Upon waking up, she finds herself in a mysterious town by a beautifully pristine river whose waters hide many secrets...
has finished publishing and it has 12 Chapters. It is also Known as: 水域, Waters