In a certain town exists a laboratory named "King Lab" that houses genius scientists who have way too much time on their hands. One day, the culprit of a series of murders arrives at the King Lab and a strange dark comedy begins to unfold...
King in a Lab Coat It is also Known as: 白衣の王様, Hakui no Ou-sama
Genres: Comedy , Human Enhancement , Science Fiction , Slice of Life
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Top Manga Like King in a Lab Coat (Hakui no Ousama) [2024 List]
1. Shichifuku Mafia
As a vigilante group loved by the local residents, the Alfano Family spent their days living peacefully. However, ever since the rise of a rival Mafia, dark clouds have been hovering over them. "Go to your late mother (former Yakuza)'s homeland, Japan, and bring the seven strongest people who were once her subordinates." Accepting this secret order, Leo heads to Japan. The seven people he seeks for are...the Seven Gods of Fortune that were sealed away in a hanging scroll!
Seven Gods Familia Story has finished publishing and it has 12 Chapters. It is also Known as: 七福マフィア, Shichifuku Mafia