Amano Hinata, a high-school boy, lives a quiet life in the country. One day, a light-haired transfer student, Kazama Ayato, arrives from Tokyo. In such a small town, it's not long before Hinata runs into the laid-back, absent-minded Ayato, along with with his lively younger siblings: Hayato, Ikuto, and Chiyoko. It's going to be quite a challenge for the Kazama family to assimilate into their new community out in the country!
Hinatama has finished publishing and it has 18 Chapters. It is also Known as: ひなたま, Hinatama
Genres: Comedy , Slice of Life
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Top 5 Manga Like Hinatama [2025 List]
5. Love So Life
Shiharu is a high school student who loves kids, lives in an orphanage, and works at a daycare... Until the handsome uncle of two-year-old twins offers her a raise if she'll be their babysitter. Often relying on memories of her mother's actions for guidance, Shiharu quickly finds herself falling in love with her new makeshift family.
has finished publishing and it has 111 Chapters. It is also Known as: LOVE SO LIFE, Love So Life
4. The Children's Teacher, Mr. Kwon
A gangster goes to a rural school to teach a class of five unique children.
The Children's Teacher, Mr. Kwon has finished publishing and it has 83 Chapters. It is also Known as: 아이들의 권 선생님, Kids' Teacher Kwon, The Teacher of the Children, Mr. Kwon
3. Open Sesame
On a rainy night, Takuma picked up a young boy who was soaking wet, thinking that he was a girl. But as it turned out, Ruka was a boy who ran away from home, and he decided to stay at Takuma’s apartment. The next day, Takuma takes Ruka to the kindergarten where he works and makes Ruka work there…?! And what’s the real identity of this mysterious boy?
is currently publishing and has 5 Chapters. It is also Known as: Open Sesame
2. Barakamon
For a certain reason, a handsome young calligrapher by the name of Seishuu Handa uproots himself and moves to an island on the westernmost edge of Japan. "Sensei," as he comes to be known, is a city boy through and through, and has never experienced rural life until now. And by the looks of it, he has much to learn! From navigating public roads by tractor to resigning himself to having his new digs commandeered by the local children as their new hangout, the list of Sensei's hardships is shaping up to be long indeed!
Chapter count includes one extra and four side stories published on volume 18+1
Barakamon has finished publishing and it has 139 Chapters. It is also Known as: ばらかもん, Barakamon
1. Gakuen Babysitters
After their parents are killed in a plane crash, Ryuuichi and his younger brother Kotarou are taken in by the chairman, who they never met before, of an elite academy. Ryuuichi becomes the school daycare's new babysitter.
Gakuen Babysitters is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 学園ベビーシッターズ, School Babysitters