This series is the reboot to the original Weekly Shonen Jump series Juuki Ningen Jumbor. This manga takes place in an alternate universe from the original story, but features many of the same characters.
Jumbor It is also Known as: ユンボル -JUMBOR-, Jumbor
Genres: Science Fiction , Sports , Mecha , Action , Adventure
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Top Manga Like Jumbor [2025 List]
1. Karakuri Douji Ultimo
Two beings, one of pure good and one of pure evil, infused with all the knowledge and abilities of their creator, were set to awaken when the world was about to enter its final war. Shortly after his masterpieces were completed, the creator committed suicide, satisfied with the potential mayhem his creations will cause. Now, 1000 years later, a peaceful city is terrorized by a monster attack. The monster was created by the "pure evil" being named Vice, as a means to draw out his "pure good" counterpart, Ultimo. When the monster starts wrecking the city and attacking innocent bystanders, Ultimo appears to take out the monster. Finally, the two meet and their grand battle begins. Who will win? Who will lose? What do the police think about these new creatures destroying their city?
Ultimo has finished publishing and it has 54 Chapters. It is also Known as: 機巧童子ULTIMO, Karakuridouji Ultimo, Karakuri Doji Ultimo, Ultimo Pilot, Ultimo Ulate, Karakuri Douji Ultimo: Zero, Ultimo Ulate, Karakuri Douji Ultimo: Zero