Shin, born to a race of winged messengers, faces life as an outsider due to the tiny deformed wings on his back. Flightless, he endures ridicule and loneliness. His people tend to the needs of the gods who reside in the same mountains, and unexpectedly, he is tasked with the care of the mysterious god residing at Mountain 32. A troubling future looms ahead as gods and messengers have begun to disappear without a trace. What danger awaits Shin and his people, and the gods they care for?
The God and the Flightless Messenger has finished publishing and it has 7 Chapters. It is also Known as: 神様と飛べない使い, Kamisama to Toberanai Tsukai
Genres: Fantasy , Shounen Ai , Romance , Action
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Top Manga Like The God and the Flightless Messenger (Kamisama to Tobenai Tsukai) [2025 List]
- 1. THEO
In this country, there exists a god called the “batsu”. And a surreal and beautiful batsu called Rei is the master of a servant called Theo. Their roles were passed down from generations in their family, but their relationship gradually turns to love as Theo’s desire to stay together grow stronger day by day. When he feels the warmth of Rei’s body, he feels comfort. However, batsu age several times faster than normal humans, and Theo will also eventually outlive Rei.
THEO has finished publishing and it has 5 Chapters. It is also Known as: テオ-THEO-, THEO