Yuu Isshiki, a first-year college student, has a charming girlfriend, Karen Mitsumoto. However, one day Yuu discovers that Karen has an adventure with her Senpai, Kamokura Tetsuya. Angry, sad and desperate, he calls Kamokura's girlfriend, Sakurajima Touko, from which she is said that she is the most beautiful girl in the institute. "Touko-senpai. Please, have an adventure with me. " But Touko said: "I can not let me fool me. I have to push my opponent at the bottom of despair. " Her's plan is then to continue falling in love and, finally, to break it as the night with another man.
Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu It is also Known as: 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます, My Girlfriend Cheated on Me With a Senior, so I’m Cheating on Her With His Girlfriend, Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu, 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます, แผน NTR แฟนรุ่นพี่ แค้นนี้ต้องชำระ, 因为女朋友被前辈NTR了,所以我也要NTR前辈的女朋友
Genres: Comedy , Romance , Revenge , Netorare , Drama , Slice of Life , Shounen
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3. Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu
Yuu Isshiki, a first-year college student, has a charming girlfriend, Karen Mitsumoto. However, one day Yuu discovers that Karen has an adventure with her Senpai, Kamokura Tetsuya. Angry, sad and desperate, he calls Kamokura's girlfriend, Sakurajima Touko, from which she is said that she is the most beautiful girl in the institute. "Touko-senpai. Please, have an adventure with me. " But Touko said: "I can not let me fool me. I have to push my opponent at the bottom of despair. " Her's plan is then to continue falling in love and, finally, to break it as the night with another man.
Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます, My Girlfriend Cheated on Me With a Senior, so I’m Cheating on Her With His Girlfriend, Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu, 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます, แผน NTR แฟนรุ่นพี่ แค้นนี้ต้องชำระ, 因为女朋友被前辈NTR了,所以我也要NTR前辈的女朋友
2. Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu
Yuu Isshiki, a first-year college student, has a charming girlfriend, Karen Mitsumoto. However, one day Yuu discovers that Karen has an adventure with her Senpai, Kamokura Tetsuya. Angry, sad and desperate, he calls Kamokura's girlfriend, Sakurajima Touko, from which she is said that she is the most beautiful girl in the institute. "Touko-senpai. Please, have an adventure with me. " But Touko said: "I can not let me fool me. I have to push my opponent at the bottom of despair. " Her's plan is then to continue falling in love and, finally, to break it as the night with another man.
Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu has finished publishing and it has 17 Chapters. It is also Known as: 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます, My Girlfriend Cheated on Me With a Senior, so I’m Cheating on Her With His Girlfriend
1. Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita?
A guy is reborn into another world to have a promised peaceful life. A baby born of power and royalty, abandoned in the woods for having a power level that cannot be measured by modern radars (no, it's not even close to being over 9000). Just what will he have to do to attain the peaceful life he so desires?
Actually, Am I the Strongest? is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 実は俺、最強でした?, Am I Actually the Strongest?, 其實,我乃最強?, Apakah Aku Sebenarnya Yang Terkuat?, ¿En realidad soy el más fuerte?