The gag comedy centers around a purported college student named Haruo "Cats" Kyattsuyama who only went to his school, the low-tier Kunekune College, once. One day, he sees a cute Russian Blue cat named Kan-u abandoned in a cardboard box on the roadside somewhere in Japan. Kyattsuyama pretends not to see the cat, and continues to do so for an entire year. Surprisingly, no one has shown up to try to save the cat, so Kyattsuyama finally decides to pick the cat up — however, by then, there are now three Russian Blue cats instead of just one. Kyattsuyama asked the cats for their names, and they all said "Kan-u."
Kremlin It is also Known as: クレムリン, Kрσмль
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Top Manga Like Kremlin [2025 List]
3. Dance! Kremlin Palace
A very surreal, episodic manga about Russia. This entire manga is very NSFW, so beware. It contains nudity, violence, and bad taste. Read at your own risk.
Dance! Kremlin Palace has finished publishing and it has 11 Chapters. It is also Known as: Odoru! Kremlin Kyuuden, 踊る!クレムリン御殿, Borscht Fight, Call The Storm!! Violent Soviet Land Strikes Back!!, The Cossacks, Perestroika and Me, His Excellency the Daredevil, I Can Hear The Warsaw Anthem, Let's Go Gorbies! Baseball Tournament, Let's Ride a Bicycle!, Love Beyond the Tundra, The Overthrown USSR, Summer Of Stress, Russian Summer, Under the Star of the Red Flag, and The What and Why Encyclopedia: What is Communism?!
2. Ito Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Mu
Horror manga author Mr. J moves into his new house with his fiancée A-ko. Much to his chagrin, she brings two guests with her.
Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu has finished publishing and it has 10 Chapters. It is also Known as: 伊藤潤二の猫日記よん&むー, Itou Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Muu, Ito Junji's Cat Diary
1. Creepy Cat: Neko to Watashi no Kimyou na Seikatsu
Flora has just moved into an old house with a gothic flare and a hint of mystery. She soon realizes that she’s not alone in this place: a weird cat already lives there, and it’s not leaving. It behaves like no cat she’s ever seen, phasing through solid objects and attempting to eat a police officer. As Flora cozies up to her new creepy yet adorable roommate, she learns there are more spooky surprises in store!
An adaptation of Thai webcomic titled Meawbin on Tapas.
Creepy Cat: Neko to Watashi no Kimyou na Seikatsu has finished publishing and it has 432 Chapters. It is also Known as: Creepy Cat 猫と私の奇妙な生活, Creepy Cat, Creepy Cat - My Strange Daily Life with a Cat