The story follows a magical girl named Tanpopo Ohanami who teams up with the shadow monster Shade, who should be her enemy, to fight for the ones they love.
Dandelion & Shade It is also Known as: 魔法少女ダンデライオン, Mahorai, まほライ, MGD
Genres: Magical Girl , Fantasy , Shoujo , Romance , Action , Demon , Magic
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Top Manga Like Dandelion & Shade (Mahou Shoujo Dandelion) [2024 List]
1. Mahou Shoujo Dandelion
The story follows a magical girl named Tanpopo Ohanami who teams up with the shadow monster Shade, who should be her enemy, to fight for the ones they love.
Dandelion & Shade is currently publishing and has Chapters. It is also Known as: 魔法少女ダンデライオン, Mahorai, まほライ, MGD