Set in a future where humans are not the only beings, there are tensions between two races, humans and demihumans known as Ajins. Humans of an age before created these Ajins as slaves to their society. But then a war broke out and the Ajins were freed from their enslavement though still restricted to lead lowly lives.
Kanon Passacaglia is an officer of the East Side Police's Special Bureau's Second Division who are in charge of dealing with crimes related to Ajins. She patrols this city's streets helping all she can.
Megalomania has finished publishing and it has 16 Chapters. It is also Known as: メガロマニア, MEGALOMANIA メガロマニア
Genres: Comedy , Science Fiction , Drama , Action , Shounen , Demon , Crime , Juujin , Law And Order , Cops , Contemporary Fantasy
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Top Manga Like Megalomania [2025 List]
- 3. Reckoning
- 2. Megalomania
- 1. NOiSE
3. Reckoning
The future brought many changes, people can live longer now! Yet, there's something that won't change:
"Everyone dies at some point."
Shihyun Lee finds himself with only one to two months to live, but there's hope... for the right price. He has to kill someone, and not just anyone, he has to kill his doppelgänger.
Reckoning has finished publishing and it has Chapters. It is also Known as: Reckoning
2. Megalomania
Set in a future where humans are not the only beings, there are tensions between two races, humans and demihumans known as Ajins. Humans of an age before created these Ajins as slaves to their society. But then a war broke out and the Ajins were freed from their enslavement though still restricted to lead lowly lives.
Kanon Passacaglia is an officer of the East Side Police's Special Bureau's Second Division who are in charge of dealing with crimes related to Ajins. She patrols this city's streets helping all she can.
Megalomania has finished publishing and it has 16 Chapters. It is also Known as: メガロマニア, MEGALOMANIA メガロマニア
1. NOiSE
The Bible has its Genesis.
The Matrix has The Second Renaissance.
Through the eyes of police force member Susono Musubi, this one-volume prequel gives readers a glimpse of the world before the Netsphere went haywire. Witness the events that threw the technologically advanced society into chaos: the cancerous growth of the Megastructure, the birth of the parasitic lifeforms called Silicon Creatures, and the development of the ruthless killing machines known as the Safeguards.
Also included in the compilation is Tsutomu Nihei's debut work BLAME which served as the prototype of the acclaimed 10-volume series, BLAME!.
NOiSE has finished publishing and it has 8 Chapters. It is also Known as: NOiSE