The manga centers around Ginjirou Manda, a loan shark business man who is affiliated with many Yakuza gangs in Osaka. He charges an interest rate called toichi — 10% more interest every 10 days, or 365% every year. Thanks to his unrelenting money-collecting tactics, he is feared as "Minami no Oni" or the "Demon" of Osaka's Minami business district. Even when his borrowers tries to scam him, he always finds a way to make them pay his money back.
Minami no Teiou It is also Known as: ミナミの帝王, King of Minami
Genres: Thriller , Psychological
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Top Manga Like Minami no Teiou [2025 List]
- 2. Kurosagi
- 1. Yamikin Ushijima-kun
2. Kurosagi
White swindlers (shirosagi) are those that cheat people to take their money, red swindlers (akasagi) are those that swindle the opposite sex, and black swindlers (kurosagi) are those that cheat the white and red swindlers. After his family is swindled by white swindlers, Kurosagi sets out to avenge them by becoming a black swindler.
Kurosagi has finished publishing and it has 219 Chapters. It is also Known as: クロサギ, Kurosagi
1. Yamikin Ushijima-kun
Visit part of the sleazy underworld of humanity, the loan shark. Just what does it take to be part of this dog eat dog life style? Why would someone choose to take on this kind of life? Yamikin Ushijima-kun explores many themes of the dark side of humanity. (MAL)
Ushijima the Loan Shark has finished publishing and it has 493 Chapters. It is also Known as: 闇金ウシジマくん, Ushijima the Loan Shark