A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam, and a prequel to Gundam 0083 and Zeta/ZZ Gundam, CDA tells the story of Colonel Char Aznable directly after the One Year War. He heads toward Axis after the battle of A Baoa Qu with the remaining Zeon forces, where he meets a 14-year old Haman Karn, who begins to fall in love with Char. Char must also deal with Colonel Enzo, who plans to restart the war with the EFSF.
Kidou Senshi Gundam: C.D.A. - Wakaki Suisei no Shouzou has finished publishing and it has 69 Chapters. It is also Known as: 機動戦士ガンダム C.D.A. 若き彗星の肖像, Mobile Suit Gundam: C.D.A - Portrait of Young Comet, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair - Portrait of Young Comet
Genres: Science Fiction , Space , Military , Mecha
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Top Manga Like Kidou Senshi Gundam: C.D.A. - Wakaki Suisei no Shouzou [2025 List]
1. Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally
An alternate Code Geass story in which Lelouch's fate is unknown after his meeting with C.C., whether he be dead or alive. Nunnally makes a Geass contract and gains the power to read the lines of the future. She also obtains a new body and takes up piloting an unusual Knightmare Frame.
Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally has finished publishing and it has 26 Chapters. It is also Known as: コードギアス ナイトメア・オブ・ナナリー, Code Geass: Knightmare of Nunnally